Digital Marketing

digital marketing

Digital marketing is a must. Where do people go when they’re in search of a service? The internet, of course. So you need to be in the right place at the right time. We have the tools and strategiest to put you there.

Aardvark Communications specializes in digital marketing and google advertising to grow businesses

A great website is useless if it can’t be found. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a great tool to get more eyes on your website. And it’s vital for your success.

First, we have a strategy session to prioritize your online goals. Through analytics, we are constantly creating keyword lists. Then we make sure your site says what it needs to say to show up at the top of search engine results. The easier you are to find, the more people visit your website, which translates into more opportunities to capture new customers.

Engaging your visitors and capturing their information is the number one goal of a website. Sure, you want to inform, but more importantly, you want every visitor to become a viable lead.

We analyze who’s on your site and what they’re doing so you can reach out to them again and again. Products like self-tests, contact boxes and exit-intent pop-ups are just the beginning of maximizing your online lead generation potential. 

We bring visitors to the site, keep them there through engaging content and give them every opportunity to say “hello.”

Have a sale or something new you want to promote? Let’s talk about it. Email is especially helpful to manage any ebbs, flows or seasonality of your business.

By creating a robust and automated email campaign, you get your message across in an effective and efficient manner. We can craft compelling emails that are strategically timed and targeted to generate the most response.

 Email campaigns can be successfully used for the first touch or reactivating cold leads.

Retargeting is unique in that it is not meant to introduce your product to your audience, it is reminding them of it.

Here’s how retargeting works: Someone in the “research phase” visits your website – let’s call her Jane. She views a page or two. Jane gets distracted or isn’t quite ready to close the deal, so she leaves. If you’re not retargeting, Jane could be gone forever. If you are retargeting, Jane gets put on a list (your retargeting list.) Now when Jane visits a website or mobile app that serves ads (or is scrolling through social media) she will see your ad, again and again.

 The goal is to keep your brand in Jane’s mind, make her return to your website and this time, convert into a customer. This can be achieved with retargeting.

Paid search is a way to get your message in front of people who are searching for what you sell. In every Google search, there are a number of places at the top of search results that are given to brands that pay to be there. You need to be there.

Display advertising functions much like paid search in that it is search-based. However, instead of being plain-text messages at the top of Google search results, display ads are images, videos or animations that appear on various websites.

 Therefore, they are not immediate results of a Google search. Instead, they are shown later, and they can be shown as a part of a retargeting campaign.

People are on the go. It’s important to capture them with what makes sense and when it makes sense. With today’s mobile advertising technology, we can effectively target people based on the things they search, the places they go, the apps they download and more.

 Having someone visit your website is great. But what if those clicks are coming from people who aren’t even in your market? Don’t waste your time and money advertising to people who will never walk into your business. What your business needs is a targeted mobile advertising campaign directed to your desired audience. This makes sure that your campaigns are seen by your specific target market and will maximize your ROI.

In the digital marketing world, people are more likely to trust what other people say about a business as opposed to what a company says about itself. What this means for business owners is that reviews on Facebook, Google and Yelp are extremely important. Our review generation program can amplify your reputation and will give you the opportunity to monitor and manage what people are saying about you online.

Let’s be honest – everyone is a little impatient when browsing online. We live in an on-demand world and people want what they want when they want it. Having a chat service integrated into your website makes capturing leads so much easier. It gives that potential customer the opportunity to ask for whatever they might need and get an answer instantly – without feeling obligated to schedule an appointment or make a purchase. 

The “world wide web” is in fact a web. Think of it as a big spider web that you must weave with strong, readable and linkable content. It is no longer good enough to just have your content on your website (that’s just the beginning), you also have to have it on other websites. We can help build your web presence, one link at a time.

A chronic issue most businesses face is converting digital leads to customers. We will work with your customer relationship management system and develop automated email, text and social media-driven responders that are carefully written to re-engage leads in the following days, weeks, months, and even years after they first called or filled out a form expressing their interest in your business.

Through these engaging auto-responses, your business can reactivate leads that typically would have been thought dead and useless.

Aardvark specializes in digital ads and marketing to grow businesses